Friday, February 29, 2008

Removing SourceSafe dependencies from a solution/project

Situation:Your buddy has created a cool VB.NET application that you want to use. He sends you the source code and it consists of a solution (MySolution) containing a single project (MyProject). You attempt to open the solution and find that it has SourceSafe dependencies. You need to remove all the VSS stuff from the solution/project files.
1 - Go to the folder containing the solution files and delete the following: mssccprj.scc MyProject.vssscc vssver.scc
2 - Open MyProject.sln in your favorite text editor and remove the following section: GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) = preSolution ... EndGlobalSection
3 - Go to the folder containing the project files and delete the following: MyProject.vbproj.vspscc mssccprj.scc vssver.scc
4 - Open MyProject.vbproj in your text editor and remove the following lines: SccProjectName = "SAK" SccLocalPath = "SAK" SccAuxPath = "SAK" SccProvider = "SAK"
Now you can open the solution/project with no source control errors.